An invaluable tool for businesses looking to streamline payment processes and enhance customer convenience. By becoming a LankaPay merchant, you open the doors to a seamless payment experience for your customers through the Scan and Pay feature. With LANKAQR, transactions are expedited as customers simply scan the QR code provided by your business, facilitating swift and efficient payments.

Explore the advantages for business

  • Customer payments are instantly credited to your account, ensuring efficient cash flow management
  • A nominal maximum charge of 0.5% is applied by your bank or finance company, optimizing cost-effectiveness.
  • Versatile options are available, including QR stickers or mobile/POS terminals, catering to your specific business requirements.
  • Ability to attract tourists from India and China, expanding your customer base and fostering international patronage.
  • Your LANKAQR will also be open for tourists to scan and pay using their own mobile applications.

Discover LANKAQR from your preferred financial institution

Please contact any of these financial institution and request for LANKAQR code for your business


Quarterly statistics as of 31st March 2024


LANKAQR enabled mobile applications


Domestic transaction volume


International transaction volume

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